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Urban Living Room


South Africa - Cape Town

Increase your monthly rental income by renting your property as a short term rental on Airbnb without having to lift a finger or worry about the operations. Enjoy the significant benefits of short-term rentals, without the hassle of everyday hosting by partnering with us.

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Self managing your airbnb can be stressing when you constantly have:

  • Lack of time to handle operations (guest communication, turnovers, key exchanges)

  • Hard time finding reliable and professional cleaners 

  • Lack of patience to handle guests misbehavior and damages  


Let us take the stress out of your hosting experience and give you more time for your career, family, and passions. Our team of experienced professionals has helped over 20 property owners in Cape Town turn their properties into successful vacation rentals. By utilizing our industry knowledge and expertise, we can make the necessary improvements to your listing and avoid costly mistakes. Don't let lack of time, patience, or knowledge hold you back. Leave your contact details on the form below and let us help you level up your Airbnb today. Trust us, you will be glad you did!

Advantages your property is going to benefit from by partnering with us

Hosting excellence

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Our excellent Airbnb performance enable us to rank higher in the algorithm and consequently increase occupancy across all our listings

Superhost status

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Our listings enjoy the added benefits that come with our superhost status such as more visibility and credibility

What our services cover

Guest management 


We are available 24/7 to assist guests with information about the property, building and neighbourhood. Guests receive our full attention so your property can have incredible reviews and high occupancy .

Listing Optimisation


Our local and attentive team, uses the latest research, supply-demand data and pricing algorithms to optimise your listing multiple times a week. This ensures no money is left on the table.

Property management 


Our Airbnb management service gives you peace of mind by handling not just guest related matters but also casual maintenance, repairs and updates to the property.

Cleaning and laundry 


Deep cleaning by our in-house team ensures your property is always ready to welcome guests. We also take care of linen, furniture and essential appliances that make guests feel at home at your property.

Easy communication


Owners have a say on how their properties are advertised, priced and managed. With us you don't have to hold on the line to have your recommendations heard.  

Property Inspection


Traditional property managers would usually inspect your property a few times a year. We inspect it once a week,  and whenever guests are checking-in or checking-out.


    Studio & 1 bedroom properties


                                                           15% of bookings revenue 

2 bedroom properties



17% of bookings revenue

3+ bedrooms properties


20% of bookings revenue

Image by Kara Eads

 It's our mission to free you up from the stress and hassle of everyday hosting


Wecohost was founded in 2019 with the mission to assist property owners and investors achieve their financial goals. 

We know from experience that hosting  or self managing your property can be very pleasant when everything goes right but it can suddenly change and become very stressful and unpleasant when things start going side ways. Wecohost let you enjoy the financial benefits of short term renting without having to compromise your time and peace of mind. We guarantee you no more lack of time off to do whatever you want, no need to be on online 24/7, no more stress with unreliable cleaners, no more bad reviews and no high management fees from greedy hosting companies.


Benefits our partners are entitled  by hosting with us

Grow your passive income


Once you partner with us we will use our knowledge and experience to create an exceptional listing and increase your rental income by enabling flexible seasonal rates on our monthly fee, so you can always retain more of what is generated on low and high season. 

Flexible personal use


Once you partner with us we will use our knowledge and experience to create an exceptional listing and increase your rental income. We provide end to end management at a percentage fee.

Hassle-free hosting


Once you partner with us we will use our knowledge and experience to create an exceptional listing and increase your rental income. We provide end to end management at a percentage fee.

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We have a special offer to you

We know that choosing the right team to take care of your property is very important to you, and to make this easier for our prospective partners we offer a one month free trial to our first new partner every new month. If you're reading this you might be the lucky one, leave your details below to claim your one month free trial.

Claim your free trial 

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Let's get started 

Fill out this form to get a call from our friendly team and set up your Airbnb to success!

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Your feedback is important to us 

Let us know what is holding you back from having us helping take care of your Airbnb 

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